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Mrs, M. J. Duncan of Hutchinson, will be married today In Washington, D. C. to Frank Scanlln Jr. Inset of Washington. DONNIS LEE KINO, daughter of Mrs. Vera King of Scott City, will be married tonight to Jesse D. Harness, son of Mr, and Mrs. R. F. Harness of Scott City, Parties Continued from Page Five Robert Arbuckle, Sharon Robbins, Charles Long Jr., George Ben scheidl, Orbon Tice, Warren Baker, John Ashby, William Snook, Charles Coberiy, William Bond, William Chalfant. Robert Mc Candless, Hoyt Hippie, Richard Mnrtindell, Eugene Bennett, Paul Gordon, Craig Shadduck and Jack Shears. Informal Party Cynthia Gilmer of Liberty, Mo., was honored at an informal party given Saturday night by Martha Rayl, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Rayl, 100 West 19th. Miss Gilmer and Miss Rayl, Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority sisters at the University of Kansas, are spending the week end with Miss Rayl's parents. Charles Rayl came Friday night from the university and will remain here until called to military service. Dinner For Guest Gladys Everett of Washington, D. C, who has spent several days with her mother, Mrs. Minerva Everett, 326 West Sixth, was honored at a dinner given last night by her mother in their home. Miss Everett, who is employed as senior physical accountant with the federal public housing administration, will leave this morning to return to Washington. This was her first visit home in two years. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Everett, Mr. and Mrs Eugene Everett and Maud Elston. tea In Trinity Methodist' church honoring pioneer educators of the county. Farewell Courtesy Mrs. Ray Holloway and Mrs. N. L. Shropshire entertained Friday afternoon in the Shropshire home, 21G East Seventh, as a farewell courtesy for Mrs. Ray Williams who will leave early next month for Mt. Pleasant, Mich., to live. Mr. Williams is engaged in defense work there. A gift was presented Mrs. Williams. Valentine decorations were used and favors were Valentine mailboxes. Prizes in games were won by Mrs. E. S. Yank, Mrs, George Nelson and Mrs. C. Plush. Other invited guests were Mrs. Dwight Mettlen of Lyons, sister of Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Paul Dimmitt, Mrs. Arthur Lynn, Mrs. Erie Morris,