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pink prada shoes illusion shattering, I suppose, I actually pay attention to fashion stuff as much as football.To be honest, women's football gear is just ugly. And frumpy. And a good Texas woman ain't having any of that.If someone knows anyone from Reebok that does the NFL stuff, have them contact me, because I have all sorts of ideas of fashion forward fan gear.The stores have a couple mildly cute Texans t shirts, but in junior sizes. Hello? It's Texas. Uh, to be semi graphic, chest sizes are bigger in Texas so that is just not gonna work. sfw, just bikinis.So, anyway, I decided that if I was going to have appropriate, non frumpy gear to wear to Texans games, to show my happiness in having the NFL back in town, I'd have to make stuff it myself. You know, take the jerseys, cut them and add some bling. Decorate some jeans with fabric paint. And lots of other stuff.I don't have a stylist, but I do have a younger sister that I try to crack up. We've decided that I should try imagine what Beyonce would wear if she were a Houston Texans fan though not as bootylicious. And wear stuff that Beyonce would wear.I can't say that I'm terribly successful in those imaginings, but it's made my sister scream a time or two. Fandom should be a fun enterprise. Fans showing their pride, even in the depth of a bad season, is something nice to see.Texans baseball caps, and Texaned up cars, and decked out people. Bring them on.Some might deride that as pathetic attention seeking and totally uncool, but then again, some might have a stick stuck somewhere.I've got showy outfits and less showy ones, but at least I do not have to turn in my Texans girl card by wearing the same boring, frump outfit every game.The funniest thing is the comments I get about my handbags. Guys like them. I can't say I've ever had a guy comment on a purse before until I started bring different Texams ones to the games. It is almost unimaginable.In Bulk and CheaperIn today world when appearances makes a lot of difference and first impressions matter, dressing up is no longer just a hobby but a necessity. So not only the dress one wears, but also the accessories one coordinates with it are of importance. It is interesting to note