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prada snow boots iclpcr I couldnt do it other Schwiens day begins from to 7 depending on when the babies wake And Dora reports b work at During school she gets the children ready before leaving She works until 5 or 6 six days a On Saturday Mary Ann and icr a tend the home and Biggest problem is getting the laundry said blond Dora who learned to speak English by looking at the Id look at the cartoons and try to figure out what the characters were say ing and A Belgian preach ers who spoke English helped Dora and correct ed her when Dora cant be active in an organization the Belgians don have but helps whenever sb can by the telephone Am vhcnever Dora has anything to liscuss with the she does this by telephone Before Dora became a full lodged beautician in she lad to serve a fouryear apprcn But she prefers working conditions Theres no com said the mother of sev Shops over there werent Hair fashion trend in when Dora was eaned to the high fashions and ihe war bride admits she still likes ligh Dora was homesick for her homeland and two years ago she bad the opportunity to return when her father was Marvin was employed at the Navy base here and his coworkers took up a collection for Doras expenses for the fiveweek visit to Ant Things were changed over Dora All my old friends were Doras father died after she returned home but her mother and a sister and broth er still live But Dora does nt get homesick any She has seven good little reasons plus a husband and a job to keep her TAKING a breather is Marvin Hiitchinsim and the mother of seven They are from left Marvin Mary twin Sharoll and Vicky and ninemonthold twin Terry and held by WARDS MONTGOMERY WARD 14 MAIN DIAL 25441 HERES VALUE SAVE M8 on white sets Ltts fillings ONLY 19 DOWN MONTHLY Roomy 5 porcelained steel tub Vitreout china toilet Modern contour styling easy to clean SAVElSonirontubsets ONLY DOWN MONTHLY Streamline sets in gleaming white 5 vitreous china lavatory Efficient washdown china toilet SALE Wood toilet seat in white or paste colors Pressure molded for long Resists SALE Economy wafer heafer 30 gas or electric A MONTH Was save over Fully glasslined lank 100 safety pilot shutoff Fiberglass insulation These fairway economy