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prada sunglasses 2010 Inc., and all the gazillions of opportunities we had for creating those plans B, C, D etc., I am most profoundly grateful for everyone who worked in the company with us. The wealth of ideas, the willingness of spirit, the courage to speak out when it looked like the company was heading in the wrong direction over a steep cliff, and the bravery to step off the cliff with us when it looked like that was the right direction. Some of our landings were not that graceful; twice, economic downturns and overly optimistic planning caused us to lay off half our employees. Not all of the experiences were sweetness and light; there were many loud and energetic discussions between engineering, production, purchasing and marketing around what our products might look like and cost. Truth be told, some of the experiences were nothing a right minded person would ever want to experience again, but if they had been avoided, we would have missed the opportunity for learning and for change! On the whole, it was an incredible and unforgettable ride because of the team mentality that everyone brought to work with them every day, that willingness to pitch in and offer help, and to reach outside themselves for better answers. Yes, December, winter, holiday season, is one of my times to look back at those Plan B moments and be grateful that I live and work in Humboldt County where neighbor helping neighbor, and business person helping business person, is still a way of life. It's not that I'm so Zen that I can always appreciate the struggle of creating a Plan B in the moment; but I'm learning to stop occasionally, look back, and be grateful for the lessons I've been forced to learn, and for the people around me who were willing to support me. I'm grateful even those whose support involved kicking me in the butt ouch!. One of my friends tells me, always darkest just before the stars come out. I'm not sure that astronomers could get behind that 100 percent, but I love her for the essence of the sentiment, and her willingness to share. Abundant business and abundant life is about people and relationships and neighbors and reaching out to help and reaching out to be helped. May you all have an abundant