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completion. though this major does cover all aspects of the Accessory Design market there is a specific Handbag class which is required with in the core curriculum as well as various electives centered around handbags like Handbag design 2.i want to sell replica clothingthey are clothing and sneakers. ed hardy, nike and other brands. i get them from china and i want to sell them online. is there a legal way to sell them. if the customer knows its a replica is it ok. what is the legal terms behind it. i found this online take a look.Clinton passed into effect a law that allows the sale and ownership of replicas. I will post it below:DisclaimerOur products are high quality, designer inspired alternatives to handbags created byrenowned designers such as Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, and Hermes. It is not ourintention to fool our customers into believing they are the authentic. Our bags are to beused for entertainment purposes only. We take no responsibility for the false portrayal ofour merchandise as the authentic handbag. We makereference to these designers purely for comparison only. Any reference made is tocompare our replica designer handbags in terms of price, quality, or style. Any purchasemade by you indicates that you have agreed with this disclaimer and are aware that youare purchasing a replica handbag or wallet not the designer brand.The sites and products are illegal if the products are identical copies and contain the trademark names. For instance, a handbag that is a fake but has the Louis Vuitton symbol on it. I believe I have answered all of the questions you asked so I would request that you please click the ACCEPT button so I receive credit for my work and leave feedback if you have a chance. Please consider clicking "BONUS" as a nice way of saying "thanks" for a job well done, although this is neither required nor expected. Please remember that we can only base our answers on the information you provide and sometimes a misunderstanding as to what you are looking for or already know occurs so feel free to ask additional questions. Please be aware that my answer is not legal advice, it is merely information and no attorney client relationship has been