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when I wanted to buy a replica bag I could not find any Australian sites to buy from. They were all american and very expensive.I have found a supplier who is going to ship me the goods and I want to sell these online.I have done lots of research and there are hundreds of replica goods sites, but I am getting alot of warning from people.If I do not mention any label names, and have a disclaimer on my website that the goods I am selling are replica only and not I am affliliated with any of the designer compaines, have I covered myself?The bags are not 100% duplicates of originals, they have different designs and so on, but they do have the designer branding.I mean all these major replica website are mentioning company names and logos all the time even though they are saying they are replica goods?The issue you will have is not so much with not mentioning the label, but with the "design" which in itself is trade mark protected.The word "replica" says it all its a variation of the word "copy".No disclaimer will protect you from any action, you need to get that agreement from the supplier as I mentioned.The major replica web sites are breaking the law and the designers actively chase them and their customers and its an ongoing battle, its your choice if you want to be a part of that war, I can only share with you where the law stands on the matterI trust this clarifies the question for your acceptance, all the best to you whichever choice you make!Mr. Kaplun clearly had an exceptional understanding of the issue and was able to explain it concisely. I would recommend JustAnswer to anyone. Great service that lives up to its promises!I am not glamorous in real life25 year old, whose latest film Ajab Prem Ki Ghazab Kahani is released on November 6, said her rise to fame has not been easy and she is determined success will not go to her head."It didn't happen overnight. I was here struggling to make it as a model and tried my luck in acting," she said."I didn't know in the first place whether I wanted to be in acting but then good roles started coming and my films started becoming a hit. And here I am."Kaif, born in Hong Kong to a British mother and a father of Indian