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prada sneakers on sale for men indictments and 291 convictions," while "the FBI initiated 235 investigations and made 93 arrests, secured 79 indictments, and obtained 79 convictions."Within the Justice Department itself, "assistant US Attorneys received 387 intellectual property referrals and . charged 168 cases with 215 defendants."And when it comes to your Justice Department and intellectual property, it's not just about handbags anymore. The DOJ also moved against illegal file sharing this year, charging seven individuals and two corporations with the alleged theft of $175 million in intellectual property in the Megaupload case.But there were no indictments in the "Megabankfraud" case.The IPR Center shows what can be accomplished when an Administration devotes many agencies toward a common goal. It's a glimpse of what a real effort to fight bank fraud might look like. The Center has a "Field Support Unit," a "Programs Unit," an "Outreach and Training Unit," and a "Policy Section." It produces educational materials and holds training sessions for law enforcement personnel, policy makers, and ordinary citizens alike. Twenty six Homeland Security offices house dedicated teams who have been trained in intellectual property issues.Metrics matter, too. "You can't manage what you can't measure," as they say. The IPR Center produces government wide metrics on actions as well as results inputs and outputs tracking items such as cases referred, arrests, convictions, and the dollar impact of their efforts.In a dream world and yes, I know it is a dream world the DOJ's anti financial fraud effort would be designed, funded, and staffed on the IPR Center model. In many ways it's a model government effort.We're not mocking the goal. Counterfeiting leads to the loss of badly needed jobs here the United States although, sadly, too many of them have already been lost to outsourcing. And on a personal level, I have a vested interest in protecting revenue streams for both written and musical material.The problem isn't intellectual property protection although it's my personal opinion that the Justice Department sometimes goes about it in counterproductive, Draconian and extrajudicial ways but that's another