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prada shirts men tax?""This is certainly not a tax," fired back Workman, who called it an "immediate benefit."Facing questions from a string of Democratic members, Workman noted that the state faced an almost $4.8 billion shortfall and that the measure was needed to help overcome it.Besides requiring the 3 percent contribution, Workman's bill would also terminate the state Deferred Retirement Option Program DROP for new workers and would raise the retirement age from 62 to 65."The state can no longer afford to pay 100 percent of the retirement system for all our state employees," insisted Workman.The two sides in the House will cross lances on Thursday. They have agreed to spend up to three hours, with 90 minutes for each side, to debate the budget proposal. They will also spend 25 minutes each on Workman's pension proposal as well as take up Hukill's deregulation measure.The House also passed two incentives backed by Rep. Steve Crisafulli, R Merritt Island, which create corporate income tax credits for businesses in the space industry for 2015 through 2017."The strength of the space industry is critically important to Florida's economy," said Crisafulli. "HB 873 will make Florida more competitive in attracting space related business ventures, which will help provide job opportunities to our highly skilled space work force after the space shuttle retires."Florida is no longer the national leader in space related incentives," added Crisafulli. "Other states are passing us by, so the Legislature must take action to attract more space businesses.If you grew up like I do using a romantic eyesight of what my wedding party ought to be like, then no make any difference how quite a few issues there are to request yourself, you're positive of a single thing, it requirements being perfect. these days not everybody seems as worried about discovering the great Wedding Dresses, but for the vast majority of us deep within it actually does matter.As quickly when you start preparing or even the large day, deciding on your wedding party attire gets an urgent require for most brides. Nobody would like to wait. even though dealing with wedding party strain and preparations, be positive to enable your self a lot