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claim to be an actual Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Herms, etc. Without close inspection, it can be easy to mistake the additions for the real thing, sometimes causing you to spend too much on it in the belief it's the original designer's bag. However, if you know what to look for, you should be able to spot the differences.Illegal fake bags put themselves across as being the genuine designer's bag, right down to the very last logo, tag, charms, etc. Fakes copy everything about the designer bag, and pass themselves off as the original brand, with no attempt to distinguish themselves as look alikes. Prices for fakes can vary considerably from cheap to trying to sell the bag for high amounts. It's illegal to make fake merchandise, and while buying it is not illegal in most countries, doing so supports illegal activity. 1 Be aware that designer inspired knock off bags can carry the blessing of the original high end designer where adequate compensation has been paid and contracts exchanged allowing for lower end knock offs in chain retailers, etc.Be store wise.Be store wise. The best place to purchase a designer bag is to go to a renowned store to purchase a designer bag. Suitable stores include stores carrying the same name as the brand, and quality department or boutique bag stores. The staff should be knowledgeable when questioned about the pedigree, quality, and guarantees concerning the bag.Assume that any designer bag being sold at a flea market or street vendor is suspect. It would be a rare occasional find to have a cheap designer bag being thrown out at a flea market; it's possible but improbable.Know all you can about designer bags if you're purchasing from estate sales, thrift stores, online auction sites, etc. Apply the following steps to any purchases of designer bags made at such places.Ask trusted fashionistas you know where they purchase their designer bags from.Be realistic about the price.Be realThe difference between real and knock off Chanel handbags.As any purse worshiper knows, a Chanel bag is one of the must have cornerstones of a complete bag collection. However, pricey Chanel bags are a magnet for fraud. While some of the fake bag buyers are in on the