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like the case. Instead, we get the likes of Craig Burley, Andy Townsend and Mark Bright crucifying the names of foreign players whilst imploring that the number nine will "have wanted to done better". This weekend Tony Cascarino remarked that Armand Traore was having a "holocaust of a game". It's making my ears bleed, people.Remedy: Continue the experiment in the World Cup enforced through illness if I'm not mistaken with just a single commentator commentating on the event. Radical, I know. If people want to hear dreadful insight they can watch the half time 'analysis' while the rest of us have flicked over to get annoyed at Harry Redknapp talking on SSN.World Cup voting processI could have written all day about FIFA, but have reigned myself in to concentrate on one of the most antiquated aspects of their role. Whilst the process has been changed by Spp Blter recently to allow votes from each of the 208 member states, that will simply provoke bribery on a larger scale, with the smaller countries relying on political and economic favours from their larger counterparts in return for votes. The voting system, alongside the organisation as a whole, needs a radical overhaul.Remedy: Arsene Wenger's judgement may be in doubt currently, but here he is bang on the money: "It looked to me a little bit of a Middle Age way to decide. You would like to have much more technical criteria than human criteria. You could have 100 criteria for example with a different weight and you put that in a computer and the best comes out." The current lobbying and pleading for people to believe in Davids Cameron and Beckham whilst giving out free handbags to the wives of delegates is as antiquated as it is farcical.Thursday night footballAlmost a reverse suggestion to finish, in that I want us to return to the old school. Thursday always used to be the day off from football, spending time with the missus or helping around the house, generally earning enough brownie points for the weekend's footballing frivolities. But the Europa League has changed all this. My question is simple: why can it not be on a Tuesday and Wednesday? The audience share is low enough to indicate that it is only fans with a