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on a regular salary, you can get a designer handbag when it goes on sale. It doesn't matter if it's last season, it's still well made and genuine.But for now, here's how to choose a replica that will pass for the real thing. Well, almost.Advertises with impunity online. This means you will be getting something that can rival the real thing and the seller is proud of this fact to announce it all over the worldwide web. Once you check out the website of the seller, you must be able to look at close ups of every detail of the handbag from how it looks on the outside until the details of the inside of the handbag. There should also be a very detailed description on each style, colors, materials, shipping, costs, and a refund return policy in case you get a dud. Also remember to look out for even the tiniest damage on the handbags from the photos that were put up for viewing.Purchase only from sellers based in the US, the closest state, or someone from your own state. There's a great chance of commitment and accountability because you are dealing with a seller who is from within the US and is somehow regulated and allowed to sale their handbags on a US IP address. Besides, getting a replica designer handbag from abroad is a waste of time because US importation and customs officials will ban its entry into the US.Provides 247 customer and after sales service and support. The seller must be able to provide great customer and after sales service and support to all the customers who have made a purchase especially when the order is in bulk. If you don't see this on the website, be wary of dealing with the seller.Read customer comments, feedbacks, and testimonials. You won't have a hard time gaining feedback and reviews that swing both ways. Customers are very generous with praise and similarly so with catty remarks. It's good for business actually.Compare prices. A good customer and consumer always compare prices. It's how you end up with a good deal.How to Choose a Purse for Prom or HomecomingHow to Choose a Purse for Prom or HomecomingA girl's purse ties her look together and contains everything to make her look great all night long. Here are some tips on choosing a handbag for