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prada gauffre to school; two overdue birthday cards; and a pair of new trainers a size too big for my toddler they'll fit him before I get round to exchanging them.The collection of small things waiting to be done seemed to scream 'You hopelessly disorganised nitwit!' at me.None of it was a matter of life and death, I know just the niggly stuff that clutters up your mind as much as it does your bag.But eventually it needs to be sorted. If there were two of me, I could pick up all these loose ends easily; but with just one, the smooth running of two worlds is more complicated.WHO KNEWThe average weight of a woman's handbag is now 1.5kilos around 57pc less than the average two years ago, thanks to smaller, lighter gadgets'Look at this stuff in my bag,' I said to Mr Candy when he got home from work later. He raised an eyebrow.'The inner machinations of your mind are an enigma to me,' he offered by way of response. Sometimes he tries to distract me by saying something so peculiar I forget my point.To be fair, he himself was distracted. The middle one had silently taped the door of the loo shut while the eldest one was in it, and then turned the light out. 'I'm not letting you out until you say sorry,' she commanded.We didn't interfere: like the Book Of Dangerous Things says, children have got to feel the fear.Mr Candy sympathised patiently with the ever growing list of small things and told me I didn't need a clone at all.'What you need,' he said, 'is a wife.' Before I had the chance to give the kids his Blackberry to microwave, he added wisely: 'Or you could just ask me to do it?' Smarty pants.Sometimes there is an obvious solution. But maybe I miss it because, deep down, I wouldn't want my bag to be empty of the domestic debris.Maybe I like the way the small things remind me of my children throughout my working day?All the small things have been looked after now, except one. Elvis the Robin, as Gracie calls him, has left the building and gone elsewhere for his breadcrumbsSome handbag, a pair of wellies AND a pair of trainers! My late wife had some reasonable sized bags, but preferred the smaller ones because, as she said, "a big bag'll only get filled with stuff I don't need" " you've got