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Guess? and Ellen Tracy.Jessica Simpson has almost doubled from last year and now has a significant presence at retail. For each of these brands, we're applying best practices. Across the business in 2013, we're confident we will see another good year through increased penetration, faster sell through and additional doors. Dresses have been selling well for spring and our collections have never looked better.Our sportswear business showed excellent improvement this year. The net sales in this business including Kensie is up 45% from the prior year. Sportswear is anchored by Calvin Klein. Our Calvin Klein Performance business had another strong year. I want to note that in addition to the domestic business, in China we should be up to approximately 12 stores by the end of 2013 with our Calvin Klein Performance joint venture partner. Our Calvin Klein Better Sportswear business also had a strong year, especially in the second half.We expect the momentum to continue into this year. We're also reinforcing our efforts in sportswear as a category with our Kensie initiative. We have developed a new collection under the Kensie umbrella that is specifically targeted to the younger contemporary market. We believe this is another opportunity for us. In general, we're continuing to work toward a lifestyle presentation with Kensie that will also include handbags of the end of the year.Overall, we're very pleased with what we accomplished in sportswear during 2012 and we're excited to keep pushing forward. Sportswear bookings are up significantly and we have good momentum that we expect to carry us all the way into fall.Our handbag business, which is among our newer category initiatives, also had a good year. Net sales were up 40% over the prior year. Calvin Klein handbags performed well this past season and we achieved our overall growth plan for the business in 2012. We expect to build on this success and see another year of growth in 2013. We have some exciting new fixturing programs and we expect to open up several new shops at major retailers.Bookings in the category are up double digits for the coming year. We're currently in about 1,000 doors, up from 800 last year. We continue to