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prada sneakers for men on sale created Scientology, that 'religion' that preys on gullible celebrities, as recently as 1952 just a few years before the Edsel coincidence? I think not!. So, of course you can found your godhead in the 21st Century! Just think of yourself as a Thoroughly Modern Messiah!One of the first things you must do is brand your faith: develop those truly unique aspects of your creed that distinguish it from all those other faiths out there. You know afterlife? no afterlife? levitation? reincarnation? transubstantiation? excommunication? time share vacation? Remember: it's impossible to be too wacky! If Ganesh can have a pot belly, four arms and the head of an elephant, you can claim that scattering pigeons represent one's fleeting vices, or that belching is the highest form of prayer. And, if Buddha is always represented in a monastic robe, with elongated earlobes and a spire on his head, you can certainly be seen in that moldy Rush t shirt, Disney flip flops and bad hair.Next, you'll have to learn to be mean I mean, downright nasty! Every god worth the name sooner or later opens a can of whup ass on his or, more often, other people. Yahweh turned Lot's wife into a pillar of salt, and tested Job mightily. anyone not a worshiper of you guessed it Allah. And don't even get me started on that whole flood thing! Only if you are at times wrathful with your followers can you, by contrast, be seen to be oh so kind and merciful at other times.Don't worry if you're not really omniscient; not even a god can know EVERYTHING, for Christ's sake. Just don't get real specific when you answer people's prayers, and they'll never notice the difference. Be aloof and enigmatic, and speak like you're a fortune cookie example: Harmonious is the flight of the butterfly! and you'll do fine. And don't let anyone trip you up with that 'I thought god has a plan' refrain; you can always blame unexpected situations and outcomes on that silly ol' thing known as 'free will'.Then you must develop a religion to go along with your godliness. After all, you don't really expect people to venerate you without having a whole raft of ridiculous rules, restrictions, rituals and regimens to follow, do