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mystery boxes from estate sales are a great way to find vintage handbags and vintage clothing as well in general.You can always garage sale things that you do not want or give them to good will. You will want to invest in various books and do some online research to get a ball park idea of what your vintage handbag is worth. You can also sell the finds that you don't want to carry to your local upscale consignment shop and more than make up for your investment.Other places to hunt for vintage handbags are garage sales, boutique section of thrift stores, and older relative's closets. Your great Aunt Hilda will be thrilled that you want to carry her favorite beaded dress bag. If the bag has some real financial worth be sure to compensate your older relative with a reasonable price or by organizing her closet. If she wants nothing in return; treasure the handbag and pass it on to younger girls in the family when you are done carrying it. A family heirloom vintage handbag is a very special thing. You can make it more special by finding out what great parties of the pass the handbag was carried to. This is a much better vintage handbag history to have than simply how it was made and the year.Garage sales and thrift stores are another source of vintage handbags. You should do some research to recognize what you are seeing at these places. You can ask the person sponsoring the garage sale the history of the bag, but don't indicate that it may be worth something or you might find it removed from the sale.Things in the thrift store boutique section of thrift stores have already been deemed to be more valuable by the staff at the thirty stores due to their designer label or lack of wear. Thrift store staff usually does not do research on the bags they sell or authenticate the fact they are designer bags and not reproductions or copies. If the bags are not pricy buy the bag before anyone else does. If you like it you may carry it anyway, even if it is not the real McCoy.Depending on the value of the bag you find and the wear you may want to avoid having the bag restored. If you are buying the bag as an investment you do not want the bag altered from its original condition as it will