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excluding all but official traffic, and the troopers began discreetly perusing handbags and briefcases. Now, since the official kickoff of Gulf War II, the troopers stand in readiness behind the metal detectors; each visitor fills a basket with change, keys, and trinkets and steps through the looking glass into a diminished democratic universe.The war on terrorism is a shadow that falls obliquely on all of the public's business these days, and not just in the form of color coded alerts and reflexive or simply knee jerk endorsements of patriotism. At the federal level, the heady atmosphere of permanent warfare has made it easy for the Bush administration to fatten the military at the expense of everything else even including local homeland security and to increase the downward pressure on the states to sink or swim on their own. Since the economy is already staggering, state governments have a ready argument for austerity even if public spending is one of the most efficient sources of economic stimulus available in a recession.Thus, the scene is set for the State of the Lege as of mid April, where outnumbered progressive lawmakers have, even more than usual, been reduced to fighting rear guard actions against elitist fiscal priorities and legislation to disempower ordinary citizens. A legislative session is inevitably back loaded most of the substantive legislation, especially the budget, is not finally resolved until May. But the progress of the 78th has been atypically slow partly because there are so many freshmen, especially in the House, and partly because the new Republican leadership has decided to govern like the Romans, by legion. Matters normally resolved by committee compromise are instead destined to be fought out on the House floor.Using their 88 61 House majority down from 62 after the death of Kingsville Democrat Irma Rangel, the GOP had as of last week thus far ramrodded exactly two major bills over to the Senate: HB 4, the omnibus tortmedical malpractice reform to make the civil justice system more amenable to corporate defendants, and HJR 3, its companion constitutional amendment that if approved by the voters would by fiat make the Lege's