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always perfect ditto with the quality of zippers, flaps and chains.Authentic Chanel bags hold the pride of the place in a woman's closet. They are unique and a lot of care and attention is put into the making of each bag, handbag, wallet or tote. Most women dream of owning Chanel wallets some day. Don't lose patience and end up buying several replica Chanel. There are a variety of these knock offs flooding the markets. They are aimed at different income groups. Some are really bad and definitely not worth even half the money, you'll have to shell out for it. Others are marginally better. What all these knock offs do have in common is, they fail miserably, when it comes to durability. Some survive just a few months never to be seen again. Replicas will never be good looking beyond a few days the way authentic Chanel is.How to Buy and Save on Vintage HandbagsOwning any vintage designer handbag is the best way to assure you will not see your handbag in the possession of another woman. Vintage handbags allow you to express your fashion style in a very unique way. Vintage stores many times offer a large selection of designer bags that have been taken care of extremely well by their previous owners. Some handbags that are not quite as vintage as others more of the ''pre owned "less aged variety will just save you money over its newer counterpart. There are also some incredibly expensive vintage bags due to their age and uniqueness that can cost thousands and actually be considered an investment in a collectible. Most women are just looking for vintage bags to highlight their personal style. When you plan to straight up buy a vintage handbag make sure that you pick a dealer that has a good reputation for selling genuine vintage handbags. A reputable dealer ill be able to tell you the history of the handbag and how it was made.If you're like me the biggest thrill I get is the actual hunt for a vintage handbag. I have a friend who frequents estate sales and finds the most fabulous bags in those mystery boxes they let you bid on at the end of the sale. She eBay's here finds but I get first dibs. If you have the time and the where withal to deal with acquiring a lot of junk,