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comments. Negative feedback will be indicated by a red icon in the shape of a circle that contains a "minus" symbol. Buyers that have purchased counterfeit handbags or received handbags in a different condition than advertised may leave negative feedback for the seller.You may not want to purchase items from a seller who indicates that all sales are final or that returns will not be accepted. If you are unhappy with your handbag, you may not be eligible for a refund from the seller or from eBay.Review policies that indicate restocking fees will be charged when you return an item. Some sellers will charge you a restocking fee based on a percentage of the final selling price. For example, if the seller's policy indicates a restocking fee for 30 percent of the selling price, and you want to return a handbag you paid 400 dollars 293 euros for, your refund amount will only be 280 dollars 205 euros.Meet Harri, a wikiHowian who has been in the community for over 4 years. She enjoys copyediting articles, categorizing them, and patrolling recent changes. She loves to see all the great stuff other people are doing and to ensure that wikiHow's quality stays at a high standard. She loves how there are always new contributors, new articles to work on and new edits needing to be patrolled. She loves how wikiHow is full of people who are happy to assume good faith and coach new users, rather than reacting in negative ways. Her advice to new users is: If you see anything you think needs changing, go fix it, and roll with any constructive criticism while you're finding your feet!How To Buy Handbags At Wholesale PricesFor a large number of women, purses and handbags are equally as important as shoes. Without a great handbag, your clothing is incomplete. With most people striving to save money nowadays, it's important to get the purse you would like while not spending loads of cash. Try trying to find handbags at wholesale prices to always maintain cash inside your wallet. Many offer incredible prices for designer handbags or custom look a likes. In either case, you are likely to discover good quality bags that make a fashion statement. The ordinary woman can't afford to commit $500