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interval training and distance running."He continued: "It's certainly hard work, but all of the charities have a special place in our heart and we appreciate how much difference we can make to the lives of both adults and children if we are able to reach 30,000."West Brom fan Pino, from Old Hill, added: "Acorns, Rainbow and the Beacon Centre all do great things in their respective fields and it is an amazing experience talking to children and people who have benefited from their work. It's truly inspirational the impact these three charities have had on thousands of lives and we're hoping the money we raise can be spent in helping to make an even bigger difference.We reach over 784,967 unique users a month with dedicated coverage of Birmingham and the West Midlands.Over 66% of our visitors, who view over 4m page impressions every month, are in the desirable ABC1 socio economic groups.Black Caucus becomes Minority CaucusThe Metro Council Black Caucus is now known as the council Minority Caucus.The 10 council members who make up the council Black Caucus voted to change their name to include all minorities, caucus president At large Councilman Jerry Maynard told reporters Tuesday.With the name change comes the addition of District 31 Councilman Fabian Bedne, who in August became the first Latino in Metro history to be elected to a council seat. The council Minority Caucus has 11 members.wanted to expand the caucus so that we not just advocating on behalf of African Americans, but we want to be able to advocate on behalf of all minorities in Davidson County, Maynard said. county changed, and we