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silver coach purse under 20 per cent did an astonishingly small number," the survey said."Most were debt rollovers or loan increases for existing clients. This is not yet a period of strong expansion."The China Beige Book survey of face to face and telephone interviews compares conditions with the previous quarter and asks respondents to anticipate conditions three and six months ahead.The survey sample includes executives from manufacturing, retail, service, transport, real estate and construction, farming, and mining. Respondents ran businesses of every size from the micro level employing up to 19 staff to large firms with more than 500 employees. It also canvassed opinions from 160 bank loan officers and branch managers.consumerism activists target ads in Paris' subwaysAnti consumerism activists target ads in Paris' subwaysBy John Leicester, The Associated PressPARIS Suzanne, grandmotherly with neat snowy hair, prim gray anorak and white shirt fastened at the collar with a blue brooch, glanced furtively up and down the subway platform bustling with out on the towners.Slowly, the station emptied; the coast was clear. Spinning on her heels, she whipped a red wax crayon from her handbag and scrawled her fury across a platform wall advertising billboard for French home appliances retailer Darty."TOO MANY THINGS, NOT ENOUGH POETRY!" she wrote.Thus was another blow struck in a fight raging in France against advertising. The attackers are a small but determined band of campaigners. Their battlegrounds are the tunnels and platforms of Paris' subway, and bus stops in other towns. Organizing over the Internet, these urban