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nlp coaching worth of jewelry and clothes and shoes.Emma Watson, who plays an air headed gang member named Nicki, has been in the limelight since the age of 13. Famous for her role as Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter films, Watson has a few thoughts on the irony of being a celebrity playing a celebrity targeting burglar."I definitely have my part in that . tabloid culture, whether I like it or not," she tells NPR's Scott Simon. "I've been in the public eye for almost 10 years now. So there was something . slightly ironic for me, being in the other seat. And it really made me look at it all in a new light. especially is . fed so much of those images so much fashion, so much reality TV I can see how easy it could be to become obsessed."But her parents prepared her carefully for the pros and cons of notoriety, Watson says."My parents were always realistic with me about what fame meant, that basically it has these amazing upsides, opportunities, experiences," she says. "But at the same time, it restricts your freedom in some ways. I'm not able to just do whatever I want, spontaneously."Watson and Coppola joined Weekend Edition to talk about teenage impulsivity and adapting a real life event and telling a story that, as Coppola puts it, "is so contemporary, it's really a story that could only happen today."Interview Highlights Coppola on the specificity of Watson's accent"I was so impressed that Emma didn't just do a California accent; that she got really specific with the Calabasas accent. All us Californians were really just blown away."Watson on mastering that particular sound"I watched hours