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coaching program elegant cover for the sound producer.While Perelman imagines the bag, which weighs about a pound and a half and is 8.5 inches long by 4.3 inches wide, as the perfect way to bring music along for a girls' weekend or to the beach, it can also be used to conduct conference calls, fashionista style.Audacious Hair in Milwaukeethe two pink lines on the pregnancy test, I was ready to become a mommy. I daydreamed about all things baby related. How would I decorate the nursery Would it be a boy or a girl Would the baby look like me or my husband Needless to say I was anxious to get to 40 weeks and start the mommy journey.At the end of my third trimester I started to research "old wivestales" on how to induce labor. I was ready to meet my little girl and I was willing to try some bizarre things I read online.The "old wivestales" were endless! Eggplant parmesan, caster oil, walking, swinging, sex, etc. Game on! But how did I get to this point of depression It didn happen over night and it wasn without reason. Here is my story on why I tried these crazy tales and what everyone wants to knowid it workTexas heat Pregnancy Patience= Ready to be done!Huge, hot and pregnant! I endured one of the hottest Texas summers during my pregnancy. I would break a sweat just putting my socks on. Every day I would look at the weather hoping for rain but my hopes were crushed when the extended forecast read 100 and up!I spent the entire summer secluded indoors. Being an active person, this was torture. I longed for the days of playing volleyball, going for walks or even a little retail therapy. But the thought of getting out of