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clean chest to floor pushup with proper alignment that showcases your excellent upper body strength and mobility.If you can perform a full pushup because of a bad shoulder, painful wrist or tender elbow, start off with a pushup against a wall or on an incline. Eventually, your connective tissues and muscles will adapt and you be on your way to glory. As a challenge, try pumping out 100 consecutive pushups without anything other than your hands and toes touching the ground.Basic instructions for takeThe first question of the final exam (Question 1) will be available via a new post scheduled to appear at 4:30pm, Monday, April 28. Here are the basic instructions for the exam:This is combined take home/in class examination. You will find the first question of exam (the take home portion) on the blog and available at my office as soon as you complete your Constitutional Law final exam. The first question (Question 1) has a strict word limit, and you must come to the in class portion of the exam (which starts 10am on Thursday, May 1) with your answer to Question 1. You will then have two hours to complete the in class portion of the exam.Question 1 has a strict word limitation. The word restriction is a limit, not a goal. A great answer is possible in fewer words. Aided by your computer's word count feature, you should record the number of words for Question 1 in your answer.You are not required or expected to use sources or materials other than those distributed in class. Though you are not precluded from conducting outside research, your time is better spent reviewing and making use of materials