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and will require some gentle taming in the form of tai chi, origami, playing guitar or reading a book. Computers and TV screens will further aggravate the problem, and will result in very unpleasant vivid dreams.I'll attempt to retire around 10.30, although my body and high cortisol levels have other ideas. I simply won't be tired around this time, and only after some purposefully dull reading combined with a sizeable dose of melatonin and seriphos, can I attempt to nod off before 12am. As if that wasn't difficult enough I will typically wake twice in the night, once between 1 and 2am and again at around 5. My bladder is once again sending out the wrong signals to urinate and often it's better not to succumb to the urge.Repeat for about a year and a half that I have been suffering and you have some idea what its like to suffer from chronic illness as a result of Candida and Adrenal Fatigue.I did try Threelac many moons ago and started to see some reasonable results, however I foolishly stopped taking it for some reason. I think I was deterred too quickly by some nasty smelling flatulence and bowel movements, later realising this is usually an indication the little critters are getting to work.Rather than hammering my body with various antifungals, which typically do more harm than good, Threelac can be used by itself in varying dosages. After digging around it would seem the general consensus is that Threelac can create good results, even after you wade through the corporate and commercial 'spiel' associated with it.What I'm having less trouble finding is good research on why it can