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life style coaching then she posted pictures of her baby son on the Internet with tubes coming out of his head, so I assumed she needed the money for medical bills."But as the months passed and no contract materialized, her victim became suspicious and reported her to police.Beijing 08 Blogs from The Sydney Morning HeraldGiven the IOC's strict rules on the re broadcast of footage from the Games by non broadcast rights holders, it's going to interesting to see how they handle the flood of content that's going to be posted on YouTube and Daily Motion and LiveLeak and other video sharing sites.For instance, we're only allow to re broadcast three one minute grabs in any one day. If we break that rule, they'll boot us out.A cameraman from Korea's SBS network somehow managed to sneak into the National Stadium and film the Opening Ceremony dress rehearsal that took place last week.Thanks to YouTube, the whole world can now get a glimpse of what's in store on the night of Friday, August 8.Don't play this if you're planning to stay up on Friday week and watch 5000 years of Chinese history condensed into a three hour spectacular.There are lots of stuff that China as a counrty will need reform/changes to get better. But pple need to realize each culture has their way of dealing with things, suggestions are welcome in a more culturally tactful way. It might seem absurd to westerners, but it might be more effective than broadcasting their views and forcing it on other people's country, very publicly. It's a huge step to move from a communism to a different form of ideal, which kind of sit on 2 different extreme. Frankly,