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perfume prices night. You have no idea how the salad dressing found.How to Clean a Leather PurseConsider buying leather protector and conditioning agents and applying them to your purse. They might help you protect your leather purse from future spills, dirt, and dust collection. They may even reduce the amount of maintenance you have to do to keep your purse clean.If your leather handbag is very dirty or has a particularly stubborn stain, consider getting your purse professionally restored. Some manufacturers of high end handbags offer restoration services for the life of the bag and will dutifully restore bags with the most challenging of stains. Check with the purse's manufacturer for details.Try regularly wiping a leather bag with alcohol free baby wipes. Baby wipes can provide your leather bag with a quick, gentle cleaning whenever the need arises. Since baby wipes are relatively inexpensive, you can keep several on hand for your leather handbag cleaning needs.Avoid using cleaners that are made with petroleum. Using petroleum on a leather handbag can damage it and result in additional cleaning problems.Don't use any of the above methods if your bag's manufacturer has a specific set of cleaning instructions for you to follow. The manufacturer of your bag will always know the best way to clean and maintain your bag. Follow their advice to guard against unnecessary damage.Always spot test cleaning methods before applying them to an entire purse. Spot testing will ensure that the method you have chosen will not damage the whole purse.Meet Dr Ron Shapiro, a speaker and consultant from Rhode Island who has been on wikiHow over 2 years and has started 13 articles. Some of his favorite articles he's worked on are How to Make Your Resume ROAR Results Oriented and Relevant, which has received over 76,000 views, and How to Present at a Conference. He has also enjoyed focusing on articles that help family communication and celebrations, like How to Lead 'That's My Mom' and How to Plan a Surprise Birthday Celebration for the Modern Individual. He loves that wikiHow provides a good way to write a process oriented document that may make life safer, more efficient, or more fun. He