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eBay account, consider one of the several eBay stores locally. They'll take a cut, but they're professionals and usually can turn your bag around for a good profit.3. Bring your bag to one of the local consignment shops. I'd go for a shop that does not carry replicas, so that your bag is displayed among equivalents, and not crappy knock offs.Yes, pls. try Ebay first. I have sold my authentic designer bags on Ebay with no problem you just need to take extra detailed photos of the logo, the serial code, date stamp, etc..If you are not into doing this, you could try to list it through one of the Ebay Sellers Fashionphile. They could list your authentic bags only Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Chloe, Balenciaga, Marc Jacobs, and Tod's for 30% fee + Ebay fees + PayPal fees, or if you prefer they could buy it direct from you. For more info you could visit their website on Ebay just type in Fashionphile on the column. She wonderful, trusthworthy fast. Or just like Kristi mentioned, you could go to Purse Forum and ask all the other members to authenticate it for you for free.Usually more buyers will be attracted to your listing if you have your Louis Vuitton authenticated if you don have the receipt anymore.cheapskateandproud, as I said, if you donate it unlikely the bag will go to someone who is if that the term you want to use here. As I already said, someone is likely to buy it or acquire it by other means to turn around and sell it for a solid profit and I say that as someone who has a bit of backgroundinside knowledge of the whole donation process.So, in that case, if someone is going to get the money, it should be the person who purchased it originally. I mean, you wouldn donate your car that was in or condition, would you? Of course not.Why do I always hit these posts too late! Darn! I thought I could score a nice bag for small dinero.I too have used eBay to purchase my two Coach bags. My large shoulder bag can fit some large books was originally $250, but I paid $75. My friends wife was selling her Coach, and I got it for $30, because they like me! It good to know who you selling to, and I often will ask friends if they interested in items I no