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or in the zipper pocket.The authenticity card. Most manufacturers will add an authenticity card to verify that this product is authentic. The Chanel authenticity card should have the serial number embossed on it and should match the serial number found separately inside the bag. A missing card or if the numbers do not match is a telling sign allowing you to easily identify the bag a fake.Engraved logo on the hardware of the strap. A bag with an engraved logo on the strap's hardware is most likely the real deal. Bag missing the engraved logo or having the wrong logo are fakes.The zippers. Examining authentic Chanel bags will reveal that 'Chanel' is engraved on one side of the sticker while the logo is on the other side.Craftsmanship. There is a reason why these bags are so expensive and are held in high regard. It is because they are very well made. From the materials to the machines, everything is top of the line. Examine the bag for mistakes or lose threads. If it seems perfect, it is probably authentic. Most fakes sacrifice the quality of the bag.Examining a Chanel bag is not weird or meticulous but just plain old smart shopping. You never ever want to be hoodwinked into spending your hard earned money on a cheap knock off. Arm yourself with knowledge. Use these tips to spot an authentic Chanel handbag from a mile away and impress your friends with your shopping know how.How to Identify a Replica Coach Handbag. How to Tell the Difference Between Coach Handbags Knock Offs. Coach designer handbags.How to Detect Fake Coach BagsDiscount stores and street vendors may sell inexpensive bags with the Coach label on them, but that does not always mean these.How to Identify Fake Coach BagsCoach makes a wide range of items, from shoes and dresses to sunglasses and wallets. Despite the success of their entire brand,.How to Detect a Replica Coach BagCoach bags are distinct and fashionable, making them popular among women looking for a bag to carry with them on a daily.How to Tell If a Coach Bag Is FakeHow to Tell If a Coach Bag Is Fake. Coach is a manufacturer of various types of handbags and purses. . Directly.How to Sell Replica PursesHow to Identify a Replica Coach Handbag. . How