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prada sunglasses outlet Usually, replica handbags use cheap leather, flimsy hardware, and misspelled logos.Check the signature lining. Fake Coach handbags don't have a signature lining in order to cut cost for manufacturing. All authentic Coach handbags have signature lining, but with one exception: Coach handbags sold without a lining are the Coach Classic, so not all Coach handbags are fake if they don't have a signature lining.Don't rely on the numbers. Many designers, such us Coach, use serial numbers on their products. The difference is that Coach can be inconsistent when using the numbers. It may be a possibility that two handbags have exactly the same serial numbers. So, in terms of identifying authenticity, these codes are not reliable enough.How To Identify an Authentic Chanel HandbagAuthenticity is the key and sometimes people will lie to you to make you buy what they have. Consumers are blinded by the brand name and think that a fancy and popular name can say everything about the quality of the shirt, food or handbag. Well, not everything is in the name. Some unscrupulous businessmen can just as easily switch out the real ones for fakes, tricking you into paying lots of cash for something that in reality is worth only a fraction of the asking price. Designer handbags are one product that keeps on getting faked. Want to know if that really pricey Chanel handbag is the real thing and not some cheap mock up? Here is how to identify an authentic Chanel handbag:The logo. The Chanel logo is comprised of two interlocking C's that are facing away from each other. The two C's should intersect at the exact same two identical points, once near the top and another near the bottom. It should resemble an eye. Some fakes might not have the correct logo or might have just painted it on. Authentic leather bags have the logo engraved.The serial number. Chanel bags have serial numbers hidden somewhere inside the bag. The identification number is printed on a white rectangular piece of sticker paper underneath two gold Chanel logos while older bags have it under one logo. The sticker should be covered by a piece of clear tape of the same size. It will most likely be located in the lower left corner of the bag