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used on Balenciaga bags are very distinctive. There are always two cut out portions of the rivet at opposite sides from one another. The cut out should be two straight lines with a rounded end. Many fake bags have cut out areas of the rivets in the shape of the letter "C".Authenticating the Tags on a Balenciaga BagBalenciaga tags are a good indicator of authenticity. The serial number on the metal tags should match the number on the leather tag attached to the inside of the purse.The leather tag should have the Balenciaga logo on the front of the tag and additional style numbers on the back of the tag. The tag should be readable with letters facing right side up when the tag is flipped over as shown in the pictures below.A key component of an authentic Balenciaga bag is the stitching on the top of the tag. This stitching should be black along the top edge of the tag.When looking at the Balenciaga brand name on the tag, the "B" and "C" in Balenciaga should be more wide than round. Additionally, the "E" should have top and bottom lines of matching length with the inside line being shorter than the top and bottom lines.Authenticating Zippers on Balenciaga HandbagsUnlike some designer bags, the Balenciaga logo will not appear on the hardware or zippers. Balenciaga bags are made with Lampo zippers. The Lampo logo should be on the zipper pull written in italics with a line extending from the "L" for the entire length of the logo. The word Lampo should be embossed, or raised, on the zipper pull. The Lampo logo is never engraved on the zipper.Other Steps When Authenticating Balenciaga BagsApart from the actual materials and hardware, there are several other steps to take when attempting to authenticate a Balenciaga handbag.It is important to determine where the seller purchased the bag and why the seller has decided to part with it. This is a great way to determine the history of the bag and the the intent of the seller. Evasive answers should always be viewed with suspicion.Paypal is a great safeguard when purchasing a Balenciaga bag on eBay. This will give the buyer added protection against forgeries as Paypal and eBay will refund your purchase price if the bag is