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unique to any other designer. As noted above, the diamonds on name brand handbags will also be real 100 percent of the time.Study the CelebritiesThe best way to determine whether or not a handbag is a fake is by studying the real ones and the best way to do that is through celebrities. Celebrities will always have real name brand designer handbags. Most people recognize the design of Louis Vuitton purses because of Jessica Simpson and the hype she has created for the company. When you constantly see celebrities sporting specific types of handbags you will be more inclined in noticing the difference between real and fake ones.Brand Name LabelsMany brand name handbag designers will put a custom label or logo on their items which indicate that they are authentic. The names sometimes appear on zippers or pockets and some companies like to put it in the same spot on every handbag to ensure their customers know it's real.It is important to know that you are getting what you pay for when it comes to designer handbags. If you're instincts are telling you that the purse is a fake, chances are you're probably right and its best to leave the bag where it lies. With the amount of money you are spending on these items, you want to make sure the bag you're buying is authentic and worth every penny you are spending.How to Spot a Fake Designer HandbagWhere To Find The Knock OffsUnfortunately, fake handbags are everywhere. You can find them in flea markets, thrift stores, in the trunk of a street vendor's car, and even on Ebay. Some vendors even advertise their merchandise as replicas and people will still purchase them. After all, fake fashion is a multi billion dollar business because everyone is looking for a deal. Women are especially susceptible to being lured into the purchase of a fake handbag because, in the majority of cases, they just don't know what to look for. A tip: If you are seeing a large quantity of the same type of designer handbags being offered for sale at one location, then chances are good that they are fakes. Additionally, it would be wise to avoid looking for designer handbags in Asian markets as they are notorious for selling knock offs. The Straps And HandlesFake