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made. The lining should also be made with a high quality fabric. Read the label inside of the handbag. If it says, "Made in China," then it's a fake Dolce Gabbana handbag.Feel your purse to see if it's made from genuine leather. An authentic Dolce Gabbana striped handbag has leather that's so soft and smooth, like butter. Their leather is made out of the finest materials. You should also feel the bag to see if has any bumps on on it. An inauthentic bag would have little bumps on the faux leather material.Squeeze the handbag to look for any bumps. Look for any cracks as well while you're squeezing it. If the material cracks, then it's made of faux leather. Only a fake purse would feel thin and flimsy. Smelling the material may also help you determine if it's a knock off. You would be able to smell the leather if it's genuine.Shop only high end stores that sell an authentic Dolce Gabbana handbag. These stores include Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom. Stay away from street vendors, eBay and online stores that sell knock offs. If the price is low, then it's too good to be true. If you're unsure about your striped handbag, compare the look of it with those sold on high quality websites.How to Spot a Fake Designer Purse or HandbagWhen you finally decide to dish out a large amount of cash for a handbag, you'll want to make sure it's the real thing you are purchasing and not a cheap knock off. With the popularity of handbags at the present time, its no wonder so many companies are eager to produce knock off versions of Gucci, Louis Vuitton and other high fashion handbags. We want to make sure that you know when you are being ripped off so you can spend your well earned money on something that is truly authentic. Here are some hints which will help you spot a fake designer handbag when you see one:The FabricThe fabric used to manufacture top of the line brand name handbags is noticeably different than the material used for fakes. If there is wrong stitching or if the material is flawed in even the slightest manner, chances are it is not a name brand purse. Designer handbags will often have extra stitching and detailing such as little diamonds, buckles or zippers which make them truly