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designer purses. Many retailers try to cash in on this industry and make fake bags. Learn how to spot a replica from a real one.Dianne Christensen Hermanceon May 13, 2010Louis Vuitton is among the many companies such as Coach and Dooney and Bourke that manufacture designer handbags. Many companies manufacture fake designer handbags and try to pass them off for the real thing. Protect yourself from these fraudulent companies by learning how to differentiate a knock off bag from an authentic handbag. Louis Vuitton does not discount, have outlet stores, sell wholesale or have their products in open air markets. If you buy a Louis Vuitton bag from another location and the retailer has many items of the same type, most likely they are fakes.Also research the item before you purchase it to make sure it listed on the Louis Vuitton website or catalog. If you cannot locate the item online or in a catalog, this is a telltale sign and chances are it is a knock off.Cut off Logos or Crooked LogosLouis Vuitton is designer for a reason and only have the best craftmanship. Their bags are made out of one continuous piece of leather or fabric; the logos will not be uneven and the seams will not be located at the base of the bag. If the seam is on the bottom or the logo is cutoff, it is not authentic.Also, Louis Vuitton bags are crafted out of genuine rolled cowhide and the handle or hardware will not be wrapped in plastic or bubble wrap. If the handbag has this, then it is a replica and not the real thing. Louis Vuitton bags also will not have a price tag attached to it and they are usually just placed inside the handbag.Be Weary of Low PricesProceed with caution, if you encounter extremely low prices for a Louis Vuitton designer handbag. They cost more for a reason and that is because they are made out of the finest materials and are built to last. If you find a Louis Vuitton handbag and it is a low price, than it is a knock off. Be careful of street vendors who try to lure you in with a low price. Authentic Louis Vuitton bags will not be sold by a street vendor.How to Spot a Fake Kate Spade HandbagLike any other designer handbag, Kate Spade is also victim to companies