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sold on websites, discount stores, wholesalers, etc.2. Chanel strictly prohibits any infringement on their famous trademark and will FULLY prosecute anyone who does so! Their legal department is fully dedicated to removing counterfeit items listed on eBay and other websites. If the bag is selling at a cheap price, or way below retail, it is most likely a fake. Even with used Chanel bags they still hold their value and can easily sell as close to retail as possible.3. Beware of these most commonly used counterfeit serial numbers on Chanel bags are :7244764, 8947749, 9316391, 9395451, 9395455, 9675223, 9777617, 9889754, 9892039, 10218184, 10380486, 10501946, 10995820, 11062948 and 10803549. In addition, these counterfeits come with a serial number card and matching numbers inside the bag.4. It is actually a federal crime to sell counterfeits and also illegal to mail them through the U. S. Postal Service. Many of these sellers of Chanel and other designer handbags have been arrested and prosecuted by the FBI. This type of crime is not taken lightly by law enforcement. You may also be prosecuted for buying counterfeits based on the mere assumption you will re sell them. Ignorance is not bliss, nor is it an excuse.These are just a few to give you an idea. There are a lot of details you need to look for.1. All Chanel bags should have a hologram authenticity sticker and matching card from its mid 1980's till present day collections. It has not changed in the last 25 years. Don't be alarmed if the card is not included in the bag, because they sometimes get separated. If this occurs it doesn't mean the bag is a counterfeit.2. The numbers from the hologram sticker and authenticity card should match identically.3. For the hologram sticker, the newer stickers from their later 5 series till present should be clear with gold flecks on it. On the right side of the sticker should be the name CHANELCHANELCHANEL to the right of the numbers series and on the left side a bold black line. A white sticker, under the clear one, should be scored in a criss cross or X pattern.4. The card should be in the colors of black and gold. There are not several different styles of authenticity cards. It