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have an embroidered Prada logo on it. The lining should be constructed out of fine leather, velvet or high quality cotton. The seams will be invisible with no exposed threads. Many knockoff handbags have shabby looking linings.Only purchase a designer Prada handbag from a reputable dealer or high end department store. These bags are only sold at these places. Be weary of purchasing a bag from a street vendor or another online source. Ebay and other auction sites may have authentic bags for sale, but be careful. Study the seller's feedback history and ask many questions about the bag. Ask to see photos and scrutinize the details.Overall, just be suspicious if you are purchasing an authentic bag for a price under $100. These bags cost a lot for a reason and only the finest materials and craftmanship are used for these handbags.How to Spot a Fake One Right AwayCoco Chanel once said," The best things in life are free and the 2nd best are expensive!" On that latter half of her statement she is no doubt referring to her exquisite handbags. It is a given fact her handbags are prohibitively expensive for the average person. That is why there have been numerous cottage industries of online outlets selling Chanel handbags. Or are they? That is a very important question. To save you any further headaches, if you want an authentic Chanel handbag you need to buy one at her Chanel Boutique either in Paris, New York, West Palm Beach, Beverly Hills, or anywhere else in the world. If those locations are not in your vicinity and you still insist on getting a Chanel handbag or purse at a discount, which can be accomplished with a legitimate purchase on eBay, then here are a few things you will need to be on the lookout for. The information presented will only be a starting point for you. It cannot be stressed enough that you will need to do further investigations. Whoever uttered the famous phrase: "Caveat Emptor or Buyer Beware" it is truly relevant today. Here are five warnings and tips to help get you started.1. All of these products are sold through the Chanel Boutiques and very selected high end retailers, such as Nieman Marcus and Nordstrom. They do not allow their items to be