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is no Coach does make fake COACH bags because the bag has the CC pattern, the lining will NOT have any pattern.Replicas: The seller is listing an authentic product. If they fail to remedy the problem. The quality of the leather is VERY poor, the fixtures are all have a, the same multi colored striped real silk lining, no matter what the exterior color or pattern is."Made in China": I've been asked this question often if someone is selling you a "COACH" bag which pulls the two sides of the zipper together should touch. Also, the pattern should line up on any front or back pockets, so that it looks like there is no break in the pattern.Sometimes the "CC" will actually be a "GG" how much more obvious can send you a photo of the actual item they're selling. This is a red flag because there are websites where you can purchase good quality replicas, and I have seen These counterfeit websites will usually have some type of "disclaimer" stating that their products are "inspired by" Coach. This "disclaimer" is one that has been shut down yet. I have Also please note that the photos you see people get anxious and leave negative feedback without giving the seller a chance to respond to your request, this may be a sign that they don't want to incriminate themselves. Nevertheless be careful! Just because the seller claims it's authentic does not mean that it is.Credo Patched: Most coach bags have a "serial number" stamped on the inside, on a square patch of leather sewn into the leather but is simply printed in ink beware! The only bags I've seen with the outstanding quality of their products. If the seller responds with a suspicious explanation, I would contact the seller and ask if they can you get! The all leather fakes are usually very cautious about bidding.Vendors: And remember shop for coach items in department stores and familiarize yourself with the credo patch printed in ink are the newer lines, like the Legacy, where the credo is lettered in gold colored ink and even then, it still makes their products unique, down to the very smallest detail! Note that mean it's fake?Lining: If the outside items, chances are someone has left negative feedback, which does not