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for being luxurious and elegant. Due.How to Tell If a Gucci Purse Is AuthenticDesigner handbags are a big part of the fashion world. They come with a high price tag, but can be an investment.How to Tell an Authentic Chloe HandbagChloe handbags are some of the most premium and desired bags on the market. Fashion forward, classy and timeless, these bags are not.How To Tell If Your Handbag Is RealThis article is a quick overview of how to tell if your handbag is authentic or if it is a knock off. Many people are in love with designer handbags. Some women have collections of 25, 50, 75, or 200. My future mother in law has about 75 of them, but she only uses about two. Whether you use them every day or if you just collect them, designer handbags are a huge business. To capitalize on the market, many people sell fake handbags that look identical to the authentic handbags. If you do not want to fall victim to this, then read the rest of this article.The first thing that you must take into consideration when you are trying to buy an authentic bag is if the store is reputable. There are some places where you can buy great authentic designer handbags. Some stores will have an area of for knock off handbags and an area for real ones. Just because it is expensive does not mean it is authentic. People sell off fake handbags as real all the time, and make huge profits. The most important thing to remember while buying a handbag is to only buy from a reputable store. You may want to stay away from places that sell both authentic and knock off handbags, because it is easy for them to get mixed up or for people to sell them to you on purpose. There are a lot of good online stores where you can buy authentic handbags. Ebay and auction sites no longer allow people to sell fake handbags, so you can get some really great deals if you know what to look for online.The inside of the handbag can tell you a lot about how well it was made. A real top designer handbag is perfectly constructed inside and out. The stictching will be perfect and everything will appear seamless and perfect everywhere on the bag, including inside all the pockets. Most cheap knock offs do not take the time to do a good