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Lazor Johnny A Ciucci Jr Guy Marcocci Jr and William Ryan HOUSECLEAMNG IN Continued from First Page dentelects party at Pearl Harbor today and fly to Washington for a series of weekend conferences He said he would meet with William P Rogers chief counsel for two major Senate investiga tions who has been selected to serve as his deputy attorney gen eral Browne also scheduled talks with Chief Justice Fred M Vinson and several associate justices who should be named aa solicitor general of the United States to succeed Philip Pearlman Brownells housecleaning will ex pand to most federal district at torneys and federal marshals There are about 100 of each and most of them are Democrats Where possible will re place Democrats with Republi can The personnel problem is Brown ella first big chore The Justice Department has 31000 employes the bulk of whom are career work ers covered by Civil Service Most of them wont be touched The reappointment of J Hoover director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation already has been announced and presuma bly that division of the department remain intact ANNUAL YULETIDE Continued from First Page alupca Carole Sadosuk Bollinger Ann Appleby O Holy Night mixed Adam Joann Bmkleo Grace octet Larry Rosft Bollinger Glenn Frank Weve Been Awhile A Wonder ing Mixed Chorus English The Sleep of the Child Jesus Junior Ensemble Gevaert Carols by the the Herald Angels Sing and Silent Night How Siweet the Bells of Christ mas Girls Chorous Klemm Marys Lullaby duet Winslow by Patricia Clark soprano and Marilyn Brown alto Joy to the World audience Handel Benediction by the Rev W Mur ray Young Piano accompanists will be Ann Miller Darrell Booher and Joann Hutchison HIGH COURT ENDS Continued From First Page for the Advancement of Colored People contended that legally en forced segregation of Negro stu dents is of itself a brand of in equality Attorneys for the two southern states argued that the 14th framers and never before inter preted by courts aa a bar to segre gation provided equal facilities are afforded both races Attorney General J Lindsay Al mond of Virginia told the court that so far as his state is con cerned abolition of segregation would destroy