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prada alcor sunglasses Mrs. Louis Nelson, Mrs. Joseph Mettlen, Mrs. Everett Mettlen, Mrs. Kenneth Fors, Mrs. Ray Manges, Mrs. George Burgin, Mrs. Delmar Law, Mrs. Robert Lan phier, Mrs. Harry Froelich, Mrs. Charles Autrey and Mrs. William Francis. Farewell Gift A farewell gift for Mrs. Williams was presented by members of Newassa council, Pocahontas lodge, at a meeting in KC hall Friday night. Mrs. Mettlen of Lyons was a guest. Initiatory service was held for Mrs. John Thompson and Nadine Norris. Valentine Party . A surprise Valentine party for members of Rebekah lodge was given by the noble grand, Mrs. Henry Snavely at the lodge hall Friday night. Members of the entertainment committee were Mrs. Jerry Lowenstein, Mrs. L. D. Fleming and Mrs. W. E. Nicklin. Celebrate Birthday Mr. and Mrs. A. I. McColm, 100 North Waldron, entertained Thursday night in honor of the their son, Lee Robert, Mrs. Harry Rohrcr assisted In " entertaining. Prizes In games were won by Mrs. Lee Robert McColm, Mrs. Hugh Parker, Mrs. A. L. McColm and Mrs. W. Rumble. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. H. White, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cardwell, Mrs. Robert Rumble, Mrs. Ralph Deutch, W. S, McColm and Albert Hodge. Miscellaneous Shower Mrs. Kenneth Harris, who was Phyllis Moon before her recent marriage, was honored at a miscellaneous shower given in Be reah Baptist church Friday night. Hostesses wer; Mrs. Lloyd Piatt and Inez Williams. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Foster, Mr. and Mr,s. R. I. Salmon, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. White, Mr. and Mrs. H C. Hockett, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Riggs, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McClelland, Mrs. Hattie Riggs, Mrs. I. M. Williams, Mrs. Roy Crecelius, Mrs. Cody Crispen, Mrs. S. E. Crispen, Mrs. Joseph Hollowell, Mrs. Iva Stephenson, Mrs. John McMullen, Mrs. L. B. White, Mrs. Emerson McMullen, Mrs. P. P. Grossarth, Mrs. D. L. Bottershell, Mrs. Carl Newcomer, Banquet For Members A patriotic banquet for young people of First Evangelical church was given Friday night in the church. Red, white and blue nut cups and candles were used, Programs were in the form of log cabins and favors were small American flags. A bouquet of sweetpeas and a log cabin dec orated the speakers' table, The program