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prada shoes at saks work for either of us! Suggestions?TRAVEL CONCIERGE: This is the city that invented Nuit Blanche the all night arts and culture extravaganza and that recently launched Nuits Capitales, five days of after dark partying. So yes, there is much to do once the Eiffel Tower starts twinkling. If you would rather bond over well displayed heels and handbags, wander some of the late closing department stores, such as Galeries Lafayette "I would suggest a movie in one of the many Parisian cinemas, such as La Pagode, a cinema in a real 19th century pagoda," says Stimmler Hall, who arrived in Paris a decade ago as a student. And finally, even if the glasses are plastic and the drinks overpriced, the Eiffel Tower's champagne bar I can remember the 60s better than the 80sPERHAPS the biggest shock of all is not any one of the many revelations in Shaun Ryder's highly entertaining new autobiography Twisting My Melon.It's not Ryder's shameless tales of robbing women in pubs, or a claim to fame that he was the one who brought the drug ecstasy to Manchester, nor the years of drug abuse that followed.Or the fact that his Salford band, the Happy Mondays, with a modicum of musical talent and a non image, became famous as part of a wave of new music in the 1980s that became known as Madchester.Even Ryder's insistence that he has only had a little dentistry done including 20,000 of veneers in place of black stumps merely suggests the book jacket photograph must have been airbrushed, or that his cocaine was laced with a good deal of anabolic steroids.No, the biggest shock as I listen to Shaun attempt to string his latest batch of sentences together is that he has been able to remember anything of his pills, thrills and bellyaches during his two decades of chart infamy with the Mondays and subsequently Black Grape.The new and improved Ryder, the facsimile of which stares out from the book's front cover with coiffured hair and moisturised skin and straight faced, glassy eyed stare, admits he can barely remember anything of his heyday."It is a bit of a blur. I can actually remember the Sixties better than the Eighties," he cackles when I ask him if he can remember much of what