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married men average at anyways. And since its agreed here that women mature quicker than men its quite easy to find university girls with a brain and beauty to match. If a guy really wants that of course. Thats their problem.Once I was working on a project with a group of people. There seemed to be an immediate mutual attraction with this guy who was my exact age. We had so much in common it was scary and spent most of our free time together. Then this woman about 12 years younger than us starts flirting with him. I suspect she resented not getting his attention initially. So this ruined things because he just had to enjoy being in the middle of a perceived catfight and his behavior changed. The woman also flirted with most of the other guys there. They all thought they could get her but after the project ended she blew them all off and flaunted her studly younger bf to all of them. So you got the old guy my age ruining things between us because of a younger woman who in turn had an even younger boyfriend. Stupid games. Then this guy has a friend of his try to make excuses for him. I know he felt stupid about the whole thing but too bad, I was no longer interested.That certainly is unfortunate for him. But in my experience I seen treachery and undermining between women the same age when after attention or a man. And yes I have seen alot of younger girls go out and just want an ego boost or free drinks at the expense of the men there, which is sad. Because not every woman needs to stoops down to this.I hazard a guess that when she is over the boyband type and much older that she will just do the same thing over again with the older crowd if she learns little until her 30th bday. Some of those types never learn unfortunately, and really crave that attention.haha, this is EXACTLY what happens to me. I date significantly younger women, and my female friends my age 30's joke about it but I can tell their jokes have a hint of resentful disbelief. Could it be they're jealous that they never experienced nice vacations or Chanel handbags or romantic galantry when they were 23 and now they see some other 23 year old getting them, and they feel they missed out on their limited