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prada sunglass 9:51 PM on July 7, 2011Seconding the What Not To Wear books but from the British version of the tv show with Trinny and Susannah. Basically, what you want to do is optically create a waist. As Thistlemouse said, start with hoiking up the gals with a great bra. Then you elongate the neck and show off the perkier gals a bit with a semi tight V neck top which skims the body, but is not loose or billowing and falls to just over the waist of your trousers or skirt, not to the crotch. Then you elongate the legs with bootcut trousers. These cannot be high waisted, but should have a bit more of a lower waistline = visually cuts bum and back fat. You could also go with an A line skirt, but watch the amount of fabric; too billowing = tent. Then you add a blazerjacketsweater that is somewhat structured and through cut or slight padding accentuates the shoulder line.There is more. Much more, delving into fabric and color choice, solid versus patterns, size and placement of jewellry, accessories, handbags, shoes. Seriously, get the books. Amazon has itthem. Can't link right now, but I just checked.I'm not a real apple, but I can have apple like tendencies. When I started dressing in line with these guidelines, before I took off a few pounds, folks started asking if I'd lost weight.posted by likeso at 10:17 PM on July 7, 2011 2 favorites And I know Thistlemouse meant the BBC gals, but just wanted to make sure you understand you should get histhese books as opposed anything linked to the TLC team.I don't find women around my age attractive early 40s cheathaha, this is EXACTLY what happens to me. I date significantly younger women, and my female friends my age 30's joke about it but I can tell their jokes have a hint of resentful disbelief. Could it be they're jealous that they never experienced nice vacations or Chanel handbags or romantic galantry when they were 23 and now they see some other 23 year old getting them, and they feel they missed out on their limited window of opportunity?Why do women over 35 have a problem with this? If us type of guys aren't attractive to you anyway then why do you care? We were never in your dating pool. sheesh!And I don't know why anyone