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prada bauletto handbag you think they would have let Bristol alone had she not made her one day media appearance? There is zero indication of that. Bristol attempted to put a silver lining on the cloud that the media has placed over her life, and it's only used as justification for further attacks. "Sit down and shut up, Bristol! We will snark about you, but you have no right to say anything or we will attack you further!" I can't believe that has become your mindset.I don't give a damn about fighting a greater cause in regards to this. I will be honest with you on this and am telling you this as someone who likes you and admires your writing. At C4P we are all political junkies and we dissect EVERYTHING Palin does from a political angle all the time. We discuss it endlessly. But the political never came into our minds when this Letterman thing happened it was pure personal outrage and I don't give a rat's ass whether condemning Letterman has a positive or negative impact on Palin's political prospects. Neither does any other C4P editor. I suspect she may feel the same way.You're right Willow was mostly unsullied until Letterman sullied her. Bristol is a slut, Piper is a school deprived little girl according to Tina Brown who has designer handbags, Trig is a "prop" who isn't really the Governor's child.And don't get me started on Track. Google his name to see the smears the smears are the only hits you will get. As a military man, this outraged me to no end and was my motivation for getting into pro Palin blogging if you'll look, you'll see my Track Palin piece was my very first published at C4P. Nothing is out of bounds though this honorable young soldier has done nothing to put himself in the public eye. The work that Track Palin does, escorting Provincial Reconstruction Teams in Diyala Province, is dangerous as hell. Diyala is a rough province and the PRTs are a special target for terrorists because they are so effective with the local civilians.Has anyone besides C4P ever tried to write about Track Palin and his unit? Have you, or anyone else, ever condemned the smears against him and the Palin children?I find it odd that you are perfectly willing to give Letterman the