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prada sunglasses price cradle and pocket, eliminating the iPod bulge.' The cradle is connected to the iPod with a red conductive ribbon that allows users to easily remove the player and view its screen while staying connected.The DLX jeans retail for $300. Another version without the dock and controller but with iPod pockets, cable holes and retractable headphones sell for $88, says Scott Pettersen, manager of the Levi's Store in Victoria. Both are available in men's and women's styles.Pettersen admits the product isn't flying off the shelves, but there is plenty of interest. "A lot of people have tried them on and they're saying 'wow, this is cool,''' says Pettersen. "As the word gets out, they're going to be popular.''Levi's is the second major retailer to roll out iPod compatible lines. Nike unveiled its iPod shoes earlier this summer, and smaller companies have come out with jackets, handbags and even belts that have iPod controls and pockets. More than 60 million iPods have been sold since Apple introduced the gadget in 2001. The iPod has also helped Apple convert PC users to its Mac products, although Mac is still considered to have less than a 10 per cent share.Levi's kept the rollout of the iPod jeans a low key affair.I think the reason Levi's kept this so hush hush was that some other brand would have it in less than six months,'' Pettersen says.He says that outside of the fashion appeal, buyers will also like the security as the theft of iPods from people's pockets, backpacks and handbags is increasing.David Soyka of Levi Strauss Canada said a media blitz is underway to promote the jeans. Print advertising will have pop musician Teddy Geiger selling the jeans and there will be online advertising and store contests.level workplace nepotismShare this page Share on LinkedInAll in the family It's a tale as old as business itself. Leaders, reluctant to give power to an unknown outsider, have handed the reins to someone in the family tree. Granted, kin may have a top tier education and experience in the business, but it's often hard to know whether there might be someone better for the job.Though nepotism is often looked on unfavourably in modern day business, the practice is far from