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prada new shoes lack of "generosity" means and ambitious. Greed and ambition together have motivated his choice of the market over the minority enclave. Accusing Naipaul of an incapacity for doubt contributes an odd wrinkle to the case. Refusing, after an examination, to accept the intellectual and moral limits of the natal community indeed gives positive evidence of the subject's having resolutely exercised "doubt," rendering the claim of his incapacity for it absurd. Naipaul once told Jonathan Rosen that "people can live very simple lives . . . tucked away without thinking. I think the world is what you enter when you think when you become educated, when you question because you can be in the big world and be utterly provincial" The Paris Review, Fall 1998, 47. If dubito ergo sum, then emphatically Naipaul est.Sir Vidia's real transgression nevertheless lies elsewhere, in the man's questioning what the accuser, either Said or Phillips, invests with absolute certainty: the accident of birth having assigned one to a milieu, one is then obliged to stay put and have no truck with anything outside the milieu, except if one's native circumstance were majoritarian or especially male and Western, in which case one would be obliged to denounce it; the market is the external force, inseparable from theWest, that ceaselessly oppresses the milieu, which functions as the center and locus of an existential authenticity. Phillips' remark that Naipaul claims not originally to have had a "subject" a self, and that in finding his "subject" he has actually repressed it, articulates the assumption. In Phillips' view, Naipaul has made himself inauthentic. Along with its Marxist categories, post modern criticism rehashes many such quaint themes from mid twentieth century existentialism. Said's ascription to Naipaul of a fear of "ambivalence" or of "ambiguity" provides another example: in a sweeping moral and intellectual relativism all answers are postponed, the questions themselves are disrupted, are marked in advance as illegitimate, and what persists is a weird commitment to the new mystical cloud of vehement unknowing. Having chastised Naipaul for rejecting his minority within a minority