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prada evening shoes create a plan in the first place. It means we don't have to be perfect in our vision of the future. We will be given opportunities to create a Plan B at those exact points where our vision of the future was cloudy. Taking the time to look back at the original plan, and then how it actually turned out, is how we learn to do our planning differently and better the next time. December is a traditional time to look back and evaluate how well we've handled the opportunities the past year has presented us with for creating a Plan B. We get to look at the effects of the changes we made, and determine whether we resolve to do it differently next time, or whether we pat ourselves on the back and take a victory lap. For many of us, 2008 has seemed particularly abundant in its opportunities for revamping plans. Banks tightening up their credit criteria, fuel prices rising then falling, prices of everything that depends on fuel rising then . oh wait, I guess that was it, just rising. These were just the global and national issues; each of us has a personal list as well. Those circumstances which cause us to turn to Plan 'B' are hardly ever pleasant or welcomed in the moment they occur. Frustration, fear, sadness, anger, nausea, depression, these are feelings I link with having my Plan A fall through. Where do we look to find that glimmer of hope, that hook upon which to hang our gratitude when our businesses and our jobs are going through such a shake up? I know where I look. I look to people, the people of Humboldt County. I'm incredibly grateful to be here doing business in Humboldt County. I have found that this county holds an abundance of people willing to pitch in and offer help. There is that core belief here, so often found in rural areas, that by helping your neighbor, you help yourself. Every time a business owner gets to revamp the plan, there's the opportunity to reach out to their neighbor for guidance, assistance, encouragement, and wisdom, knowing that the time will come soon enough when they will be reaching back for some of the same. Much of the time, those people with the great ideas are part of the company already. As I look back on our years of owning Yakima Products