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official prada website I never get the acceptance that I want. I don fit. So much for my dreams. Get off your pity potty, Sweetums! We accept you! Tough as it is to hear such painfully vulnerable words from Sweetums, it important to remember that Sweetums is an emotional guy, and it nice for Sweetums that Sweetums can report his emotions, no matter how embarrassing they might be or how inconsolable Sweetums might feel in that moment. After all, the rest of us don admit to such shameful feelings. Instead, we go to the deli around the corner and buy a bag of imported Italian cookies, the really tasty crunchy almond flavored kind, and eat them until they all gone.Or, if we very rich, we purchase handbags. In fact, you can tell exactly how much baggage a wealthy woman has by counting the number of handbags in her closet.If I were a rich girl, daidle deedle daidleDigguh digguh deedle daidle dum. All day long I biddy biddy bum, getting my hair and my toenails done. Last week, the Girls moved past their tedious, self serious contemplation of Third World horrors, abandoning the white man burden for Ferrari shopping in the Hamptons and whimsical toy purchases at FAO Schwarz.Better yet, Ally and Jaime visited Daddy design department to give his horrified designers brutally critical feedback on the Juniors line. Despite the empathy I felt for those poor souls watching their best work axed by the deus ex machina of Daddy little girls, there were some serious vicarious thrills to be had. If you grew up in a medium to small town and spent a lifetime of shuffling impatiently through racks of wildly ugly clothing in crappy department stores as I did, then you probably get that same rush I did when I imagined marching straight into the bad idea epicenter and declaring every cluttered pattern and scratchy material utterly awful.Meanwhile, Tommy Hilfiger, adorable little sprite that he is, stood by and encouraged the girls to be as honest as humanly possible, making him the closest thing to Dad from Matt Groening in Hell as I ever seen.Later, after a few glasses of wine in the Hamptons, Ally musings became alarmingly accurate out of the blue. you never really do grow up, she said. the world just forces you to, and