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prada perfume iris connect" the Thursday gym shootings with the bar case.Local gang suspect in Mexico City mass kidnapping Ventura County StarEdna Ponce, center, speaks to the reporters after meeting with chief prosecutor Rodolfo Rios, in Mexico City, Tuesday, June 4, 2013. Ponce is the aunt of Jerzy Ortiz, one of a group of men and women who went missing on May 26, 2013 from a Mexico City bar. Another young woman has been added to the list of young people apparently abducted as a group from an after hours bar in a normally calm district of Mexico City, raising the number of missing to 12, prosecutors said Tuesday night.There has been no word of the 12 since they vanished in broad daylight on May 26 just a block from Mexico City's leafy Paseo de Reforma. City Prosecutor Rodolfo Rios showed a surveillance videotape to reporters late Friday that disputes witness' accounts that the missing people were taken by masked commandos with large guns and SUVs.The videotape shows several compact cars pulling up, and people being herded in just a couple at a time. The men taking them are in civilian clothes, and there are no signs of weapons or force, explaining why so many people could disappear without detection in the middle of a busy Sunday.Rios said the abduction involved at least 17 people in eight vehicles. Four people have been detained so far in the crime, including an owner of the bar and two employees.The missing all lived in Tepito, one of Mexico City's most dangerous neighborhood's and home to its largest black market.Four people were gunned down in a gym late Thursday night in the same neighborhood, raising fears that a wave of cartel style violence was hitting the city. Two men were detained but later let go, Rios said.The crime in the gym, an assassination targeted at two brothers, is not related to the disappearance of the young, he added."I don't have any indication of any cartel in Mexico City," Mayor Miguel Angel Mancera told the Televisa television network. "It's not a cartel.Tepito is the main clearinghouse for millions of dollars of contraband, from guns and drugs to counterfeit handbags that come through Mexico City."The Heaven bar and the Black bar have some threads in common, which