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Newsweek, used to refer to himself with relish as "a drunk and a degenerate gambler." He did die of drink, at 47, but I don't know that the gambling got away from him, though I recall him saying, in a locker room awash in champagne, "I hate being around a team that didn't cover the spread and thinks it won."Way late one night we escorted a stripper named Misty, I think back from an Augusta, Ga., bar to the lovely home that SI was renting for the Masters. Rather than remove any clothes, she kept insisting that we get her onto the hallowed grounds of Augusta National, so she could meet a better class of people. She did show us the pistol she kept in her handbag. Who knew strippers had handbags? Pete borrowed it and fired it into the air out in the front yard along toward dawn. Damn. Forty seven.But I don't dwell on the past. I dwell on what's wrong with the present. For instance, that new statistic in certain box scores, BFP. For "batters faced by pitcher." Why do you need the P? Who else faces batters? The centerfielder? That may seem a small thing, but on your own TV show you could ride it hard:"So, Curt Schilling, you're a hard core get government out of business guy whose bankrupt video game company owes the state of Rhode Island 75 million bucks. What's your take on this BFP thing?"As it happens, I have already set down many of my SI reminiscences. Driving all night with Dick Allen from Chicago to Allentown, Pa., under the influence of hashish? It's in my memoir, Be Sweet. Writing an as told to story with Wilt Chamberlain in his aerie decorated with wolf muzzles? See "Wilt, a Tall Tale" in my book Alphabet Juice. I recently wrote, somewhere, about the closest I ever came to being mistaken for a sports immortal. That would be when I called Billy Martin to set up an interview, and as soon as he heard my voice he said, "Mick? Mick? Is it the old Mick?" When I revealed, reluctantly, that I was not Mickey Mantle, Billy and I were both so bummed that I'm surprised I got enough time with him to write a cover story without getting beat up.Years later I saw Billy in a bar, but I didn't go over and offer to buy him a drink. He once slugged a marshmallow salesman in a bar. If you'll