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prada handbags prices world.Till now many synthetic fibers have been used to make different handbags. Leather has certain good qualities, for which it is the first choice of all. Leather has following properties:How Can We Separate The Authentic Handbags from FakesThey say that looks can be deceiving, but when it comes to handbags, brand names are sometimes enough to trick someone into believing that what they are buying are genuine, high quality items. These days, replica handbags are retailed under the claim of luxury designer handbags. What most shoppers fail to recognize, however, is that they seem to interchange the words "designer" and "authentic" and they are tricked into believing that what they purchased are real Chanel handbags when what they actually bought is a Chanel replica. On other occasions, online shoppers find it hard to spot an authentic handbag from a fake one especially if she can only use a website photo as her reference. It is therefore important to be conscious of what actually sets an authentic handbag from a fake one.Real Chanel handbags are created using lambskin, goatskin and calfskin leather which is produced in high quality. The chain of the handbag is made of 24k gold and thus, it should feel heavy when being lifted. Chanel handbags are known for the classic quilted diamond stitches which should have consistent sizes in the entire surface. The stitching for the quilted pattern and for the entire bag should have at least 10 stitches per inch. The interior lining of the handbag should be made from durable and sturdy satin material which is devoid of any air pockets and lose threads. Although most suppliers of replica Chanel will claim that theirs is also made from high quality materials, none of these fake handbags closely resemble the kind of intricate manufacturing that is characteristic of the brand.The hardware of the iconic interlocking CC should lay flat, where the right C is on top of the left C. Once opened, the right C will have the words "Paris" or "Italy" engraved on it and the name "Chanel" on the left C. Inside the handbag, the Chanel logo and the corresponding stitching in the lining are done in similar colors of either gold or silver. The Chanel